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Computing and Software Systems
Capstone Presentations Autumn Quarter December 18, 2020 Computer Science and Software
Engineering presentations in CSS Rooms 1-7: 12:30 PM - 3:15 PM Applied Computing presentations
in CSS Room 1: 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM |
Lobby Zoom: Beginning at 12:15pm Welcome and
introductions by CSS Division Chair Bill Erdly and CSS Capstone Coordinator
Janet McDaniel will be made in the Lobby Zoom. You can also come here if you
have any questions. Meeting ID: 963 6889 8618. Passcode: 047383 Return to Lobby Zoom at 3:15pm to find out who won the Best Poster Award and bragging rights. Zoom
Etiquette: Mute your
microphone. Turn on your video if possible, so you are providing an engaged
audience rather than a blank page to the presenter. If you have a question,
use "Raise Hand" under Participants in Zoom controls. At the end of
the presentation, use "Clap" under Reactions to show your
appreciation of the presentation. Treat being a Zoom audience similar to
being an audience in a regular presentation, excessive fidgeting or moving
around can be distracting to the presenter. If you or anybody in the
household is streaming video during the presentation, you may get choppy
video or see "unstable connection" appear on your screen. If you
are using a laptop machine, plug it in so you don't run out of power during
the presentations or worse run out of power when you are presenting! CSS Students:
All CSS students must attend a CSS Colloquium before they complete their own
capstone and present at a CSS Colloquium. If you are a CSS student and you
need to document that you have attended the colloquium, fill out the form at Colloquium
Attendance. |
CSS Room 1 |
CSS Room 2 |
CSS Room 3 |
CSS Room 4 |
CSS Room 5 |
CSS Room 6 |
CSS Room 7 |
Meeting ID: 928 7188 1707 Password: 566503 |
Meeting ID: 991 7507 8341 Password: 441786 |
Meeting ID: 953 7090 2158 Password: 348268 |
Meeting ID: 919 7381 8456 Password: 128778 |
Meeting ID: 996 7068 8776 Password: 404525 |
Meeting ID: 793 747 9656 Password: cap2020 |
Meeting ID: 975 1241 6481 Password: 213720 |
12:30 |
DJ Wadhawa (Motorola Solutions Inc.) Advisor: Dr. Munehiro Fukuda |
Yash Khanchdani (Resistance Labs) Advisor: Dr. Min Chen |
Tung Dinh (UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr.
Dong Si |
Thomas Hendrick (UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr.
Erika Parsons |
Jonathan Young (Elcano Project) Advisor: Dr. Michael Stiber |
Jun Park (Group Project - Student Defined) Advisor: Dr.
Robert Dimpsey |
Amman Nega (UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr. Wooyoung Kim |
12:45 |
Acoltzi-Rojas (UWB CSS Faculty Research)
Goncalves-Mokarzel (Google)
Diallo (Goldman Sachs)
Yang Hu (Amazon Web Services. Inc)
Bui (UWB CSS Faculty Research)
Daniel Hartanto (Group Project - Student Defined)
Gavrishchuk (UWB CSS Faculty Research)
1:00 |
Praneeth Palla (Service Now) Advisor: Dr. Jeffery Kim |
Lexun (Lucy) Chi (Facebook) Advisor: Dr. Min Chen |
Xinyu Wang (Go Daddy) Advisor: Dr. Arkady Retik |
Ryan Larson (UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr. Erika Parsons |
Kylun Robbins (Individual Project - Student Defined) Advisor: Dr. Afra Mashhadi |
Joseph Cho (Group Project - Student Defined) Advisor: Dr. Robert Dimpsey |
Bazen Nega (Group Project - Student Defined) Advisor: Dr. Wooyoung Kim |
1:15 |
Blake (Fast)
(Angie) Tserenjav (Expedia)
Sambhavi Pandey (Premera)
Young "100 Unity Mechanics for
Programmers" (UWB CSS Faculty Research)
Lukas Wangadi Ahmed
Osman Sepehr Karmi Biruk Haddis (Group Project - Student Defined)
Khabazan (Avanade)
Lakic "Web-QuateXelero:
An Efficient Web-Based Motif Detection Tool " (Group Project - Student Defined)
1:30 |
Lloyd Deng
Design at Noonum" (Noonum) Advisor: Dr. Marc Dupuis |
Billy Huynh (UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr. Min Chen |
Omer Ronen (Appito) Advisor: Dr. Arkady Retik |
(UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr. Yusuf Pisan |
(Wangadi, Osman, Karmi, Haddis cont.) |
Ajeet Dhaliwal (Tata Consultancy) Advisor: Dr. Robert Dimpsey |
Li (Redcley)
1:45 |
Ly (UWB CSS Faculty Research)
Faber (Liberty Mutual)
Voblikova "Quasar Spectra Analysis" (UWB School of STEM Physics & CSS)
Estefano Felipa (KyFlex)
Sumbly (Altruista Health)
Aphayarath (UW Communication)
Sagredo (Individual Project - Student Defined)
2:00 |
Gurjepaul (Jay) Brar (UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr. Marc Dupuis |
Weiquan Huang (Individual Project - Student Defined) Advisor: Dr. Nancy Kool |
Can Tosun "Quasar Spectra Analysis" (UWB School of STEM Physics & CSS) Advisor: Dr. Arkady Retik |
Maheshwari (Premera Blue Cross) Advisor: Dr. Yusuf Pisan |
Latchague (Dassault) Advisor: Dr. Arnie Lund |
Lucas Bradley (Cybertracker) Advisor: Dr. Hazel Asuncion |
Cole Liu (UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr. Bill Erdly |
2:15 | Meeting ID: 928 7188 1707 Password: 566503 Applied
Computing Panel
Presentation 2:15pm-2:40pm "Working with Small Business" Advisor: Mr.
Mark Kochanski ACMPT
Coordinator |
Tomomi Nakamura (Diamond Head Co., Ltd)
Guinee (UWB School of STEM Physics & CSS)
Hristov "Internship with Synergistics
Inc." (Synergistics)
Stibbins (Amazon)
Akkaraju (SAP Concur)
Imanputra (UWB CSS Faculty Research)
2:30 |
Computing Panel Presentation 2:15pm-2:40pm "Working with Small Business" (cont.) |
Ramasamy (AT&T) Advisor: Dr. Nancy Kool |
Brosseau (Amazon) Advisor: Dr. Arkady Retik |
Ferro Capera "Liberty Mutual Tech Start
Internship" (Liberty Mutual) Advisor: Dr. Yusuf Pisan |
Room 5's presentations
concluded. |
Barrett (UWB CSS Faculty Research) Advisor: Dr. Hazel Asuncion . |
Mehedinti (Group Project - Student Defined) Advisor: Dr. Bill Erdly |
2:45 | Applied
Computing Panel
Presentation 2:40pm-3:05pm
Advisor: Mr. Mark Kochanski ACMPT Coordinator |
Rashid (YellowPalace Investments)
Ovanesyan (Gaia Platform)
Yuqi (Bill) Zhao "Bridge the Gap: An Online
Technical Problem Solving Course"
Staley (Amazon)
Room 7's presentations
concluded. |
3:00 | Applied
Computing Panel
Presentation 3:05pm
-3:25pm "Using Software Frameworks" Advisor: Mr. Mark Kochanski ACMPT Coordinator |
Simmons (Microsoft) Advisor:
Dr. Nancy Kool |
Shabro (Deer Lodge Med Center) Advisor: Dr. Arkady Retik |
Konteh (CodeDay) Advisor: Dr. Yusuf Pisan |
Room 6's presentations concluded. |
. |
3:15 |
Computing Panel
Presentation 3:05pm
-3:25pm "Using Software Frameworks" (cont.) |
Room 2's presentations concluded. |
Room 3's presentations concluded. |
Room 4's presentations concluded. |
3:25 |
End of
Presentations Meet in Lobby Zoom Meeting
ID: 963 6889 8618 Passcode:
047383 |
is subject to change
Updated December 17, 2020, 20:00