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Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations

Fall Quarter

December 18, 2020


Gurjepaul (Jay) Brar

"Fear in the Cybersecurity Domain"

(UWB CSS Faculty Research)


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marc Dupius





This capstone project required the examination and analysis of interview transcripts from a cybersecurity

research study. Early stages of the project consisted of helping in the development of the initial coding schema in

collaboration with Dr. Dupuis and other researchers. Once the initial schema was developed, a subset of transcripts

were coded using the schema. As more batches of transcripts came in to be coded, the schema was regularly modified

and improved to allow for better cross-validation and intra-coder reliability.

The purpose of the research project is to determine what motivates and propels individuals to engage in

different cybersecurity practices. Whether these individuals are engaging in good or bad behaviors, it is hoped that a

qualitative analysis of the interview transcripts will help uncover a deeper understanding of what drives people to take

the actions they do in regard to cybersecurity measures. Upon completion of coding the transcript, it was determined

that there are many factors that influence an individual to take up cybersecurity practices with some common themes

found. Final analysis of the data is outside the scope of this project.












Updated December 15, 2020