Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations
Fall Quarter
December 18, 2020
Aphayarath Alan "Facilities
Reservation System" (UW Communication) Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robert Dimsey |
Abstract The University of Washington Department of Communication
Tech Team uses a facilities room reservation system. Using the web
application, administrators can manage certain rooms in the Communications
building. The application allows administrators to add, edit, or remove
reservations, holidays, locations, and administrative users. Administrators
can also use the application to approve or deny reservation requests. Through
the web application, the public can view the schedule for a specific room in
a calendar format, and also generate a print
schedule of a specific week or of the regular events in the room for the
quarter. UW affiliates have the ability to submit a
room reservation request through the system. A facilities reservation system currently exists,
but it was originally created in 2005, and thus looks and feels outdated. There
is also no documentation for the existing system, making it difficult to add
features and redeploy. The department's tech team wanted to create a system
that is more modern while having documentation to support future features and
maintenance. The proposed system was created using the following tools that
have documentation across the internet: Apache, Linux, MariaDB, Masonite,
Python, and Shibboleth. This project provides the UW Department of Communication Tech Team with a system that has modern interfaces, new features, and support for implementing new updates as needed. |
Updated November 24, 2020