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Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations

Fall Quarter

December 18, 2020


Can Tosun

"Quasar Spectra Analysis"

(UWB School of STEM Physics & CSS)


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Arkady Retik





The main aim of this project is developing computational methods to avoid redundancy with the previously downloaded spectra and establish our database, work with previously developed python codes to improve the efficiency and accessibility for a future group member, upload the results of the search for extremely-high velocity outflows to share easily with the scientific community.

The files that working with the current Python program is Data Release 9, but the goal of the project is, regardless of the Data Release number, rewrite the current code with a better algorithm. The data has gotten from the Sloan Digital Survey database and convert the appropriate information for analysis. This data was used on the Python program with libraries and created accurate 2D graphs.


My role on the team was working with previous, current, and future CSSE and/or Physics students, gathering the right information, calculating emission and absorption, normalize the files, and calculating the absorption with normalization file. To make this progress, I and my team members followed a weekly agile development schedule. I was writing a weekly status report and TODO list, communicating with team members, Ph.D. Professor, and the Physics students. We worked individually and pair programming to reach our goal weekly/quarterly.


The project is a continuous process that needs to be updated constantly. Every week completing the goals and getting new information was exciting. The project was a partnership between CSS and Physics departments, so absorbing the right information in Physics a bit hard for me as a CSS student.












Updated December 15, 2020