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Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations

Fall Quarter

December 18, 2020


Lexun (Lucy) Chi

"Hero Tracing in Ads Manager"



Faculty Advisor: Dr. Min Chen





In performance work, one of the most critical aspects is measuring performance. Good data and good tools are essential to track performance metrics, provide insights on real user experience, guide the work direction, and enable debugging of regressions. However, the existing performance logging framework used by Ads Manager - Facebook's advertising platform - requires developers to manually define the user flows they want to track by annotating the start and end of these flows. It is challenging to maintain and get it right.

During my summer internship at Facebook, I worked at Ads Manager Foundation Team focusing on exploring and starting adoption of a new performance framework called Hero Tracing in Ads Manager. By the end of the internship, I was able to build up a Hero Tracing prototype which enabled me to migrate top-contributing scenarios in Ads Manager to Hero Tracing. Besides, I set up tools (e.g., HealthCompass, Program Runner, etc) for monitoring performance data. I also created an internal catalog page to display detailed information about Ads Manager interactions.











Updated December 15, 2020