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Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations

Fall Quarter

December 18, 2020


David Mehedinti


(Group Project - Student Defined)


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Bill Erdly





Baseline is a micro social network that is customized for tennis. It was specifically created with tennis players in mind, by providing game matching services, a tennis social feed, court finding, and more. I believe that general social networks underserve niche interest groups that require custom-tailored features. Serving specific interest groups has the potential to grow them by reducing social barriers to entry, while also providing focused development and monetization paths. Based on survey data, platform tools, and ease of development, I determined that the iOS platform would be ideal for the development of Baseline. Baseline's design prototype was created using Sketch and Apple's design resources. It was implemented on pre-release versions of Swift and SwiftUI, to leverage the future of Apple's device ecosystem.










Updated December 16, 2020