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Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations

Fall Quarter

December 18, 2020


Kylun Robbins

"Learner: A Web App for Remote Learning"

(Individual Project - Student Defined)


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Afra Mashhadi





The main goal of my capstone project was to develop a web-application that assists students in tracking and scheduling their learning time. This project was inspired by the current global pandemic, which has caused many students to restructure how to they are learning. With the transition to remote learning, students are encountering more asynchronous work, less collaborative work, and a variety of new learning difficulties. This project aims to help assist students in transitioning to remote learning by providing a tool to help them structure and keep track of their learning.


This project was developed with React, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for the front end, and Google Firebase for authentication, hosting, and database in the back end. Development was completed using agile techniques to implement new features. User feedback was collected, and suggested changes and improvements were implemented in the project.


The result of the project is a fully functioning web-application that allows users to create custom subjects and schedule events based on their subjects. The user can also set custom goals for how long they want to spend on each subject and view the progress of the goals. Finally, the user can view statistics on their learning including their total amount of time spent on each subject and weekly summaries for each week they have scheduled an event. This web-application is also fully accessible on desktop and mobile devices.












Updated December 15, 2020