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Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations

Fall Quarter

December 18, 2020


Jason Lukas Wangadi

Ahmed Osman

Sepehr Karmi

Biruk Haddis



(Group Project - Student Defined)


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Arnie Lund





This capstone is a research-based project that focuses on the design of a web-application for businesses that

offer delivery, drive-thru, and curbside pickup for people who want to practice social distancing guidelines.

Existing applications do not offer quality user interfaces and are missing important features such as search tools

that enable the user to search by different specifications such as shopping services, as well as CDC guidelines

for specific business, and more.


This project features concepts from relevant courses offered at University of Washington. We employed

specific techniques we learned in CSS 301, CSS 350, CSS 360, CSS 370, CSS 478, and CSS 480 to enhance the

user experience. Conducting surveys and numerous usability tests with both low and high-fidelity prototypes helped to guide us

in the right direction. On average, through 4-5 rounds of testing, design flaws and problematic areas became

easier to discover and resolve accordingly. In addition, following the recommended amount of testing is

essential to eliminate bias and correctly design based on the user's requirements.

Understanding the users' needs was essential to this project in constructing the main features of this web

application. Usability testing at various stages of this project helped to refine the protofypes and eventually

achieve the ideal UI design. Although initially intended to be a researched-based project, the end result was an

interactive HTML webpage based on all of the project's findings, which accomplished more than the original goal.










Updated December 15, 2020