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Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations

Fall Quarter

December 18, 2020


Marko Lakic

Bazen Nega

"Web-QuateXelero: An Efficient Web-Based Motif Detection Tool"

(Group Project - Student Defined)


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wooyoung Kim





A network motif is a statistically overrepresented subgraph pattern in a given network. Network motifs in bioinformatics play an important role in discovering significant biological functions. They are found as follows: the user specifies a subgraph size, a number of random networks, and a statistical threshold (Z-Score or p-value). Then, all subgraphs of that size are enumerated in the network, a collection of the specified number of similarly structured random networks are generated and the same process is repeated on those networks. Statistical analysis shows if the frequency of any subgraph in the original network is above or below in random networks, if the difference exceeds your threshold, it is a motif. Although various algorithms and tools are available to detect network motifs, most of them lack accessibility and usability. Some are command-line programs with manuals needed to navigate while others are mere algorithms without a released program implementing them. The most popular program, FANMOD, utilizes one of the most efficient algorithms, ESU, and provides a graphical user interface with motif image visualization in its results. Although, there are some nuisances. Necessarily, one must download an executable, and there may be system incompatibility issues. An online tool gets around this, and there are few of them. Most of these tools use the aforementioned ESU algorithm. QuateXelero is a faster algorithm that exclusively has a command-line interface. We have decided to mix the benefits of these two programs by presenting "Web-QuateXelero", an online graphical user interface (GUI) program to detect network motifs efficiently. Experimental results show that the site runs faster than other online tools and FANMOD. We also have motif image visualization as an optional feature (which increases time) and implement a backend queue for taking requests when server load is high.











Updated November 24, 2020