Division of Computing & Software Systems

March 19, 2021

Magd Aladib

War Documentary Website Design and Development

Dimashqi Lens

Advisor: Dr. William Erdly


I learned a lot about Syria Dimashqi Lens Project is a project that focuses on documenting the war and daily events in Syria using photography. The capstone is designing and developing a website for Lens Dimashqi. The purpose of creating the Lens Dimashqi website is to organize the content that the project has efficiently considered modern designing techniques. In this project, I worked with the team in Syria to categorize all the photos they have. After that, I went through the developing and designing process. I had to interview the team virtually and coordinate with them on each step I was doing. Despite the communication difficulties, I continued the process of implementation and design using the Agile method. The project will be a significant addition for the team in Syria to help them display and preserve their work online. In this project, I have learned about modern design methods. Importantly, I have learned to use Adobe Xd, and how to create a website using WordPress. Also, I have gained more product management, time management skills. I have learned how to communicate efficiently with stakeholders. Finally, I learned a lot about Syria and how beautiful Syrian people are.