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Computer Science and Software Engineering Capstone Presentations

Summer Quarter

August 21, 2020


Allen Fulmer

"Host Support Engine for Werewolf Bot"

(Group Project - Student Defined)


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marc Dupuis





The Support Engine for the Werewolf Hosting Bot handles moderating and maintaining games of Werewolf, independent of each game's hosting platform. The Support Engine can maintain each game's state (e.g. accepting player votes and creating tallies from them) and enabling hosts to modify public game information (player status, game phase, event history, etc.).

Werewolf (aka Mafia) is a popular social deduction game and the inspiration behind Town of Salem, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Mindnight, and more. Werewolf games are commonly found on internet forums and chat rooms (like Discord) but can take hosts anywhere from 30 minutes to hours of upkeep a day to keep games running smoothly.

By streamlining games of Werewolf, the number of overhead hosts have in managing games is heavily reduced. This in turn reduces the necessary level of experience for new hosts to try creating their own games or allows hosts in general to focus more on engaging game setups rather than upkeep. Players' experience is also affected; players can easily join and leave games and get instant feedback on their public actions.











Updated August 20, 2020, 2:05